
How to run code in visual studio code using powershell
How to run code in visual studio code using powershell

how to run code in visual studio code using powershell

You can enable it through the Windows Features dialog or PowerShell. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is an optional feature on Windows 10. The Remote Status bar item can quickly show you in which context VS Code is running (local or remote) and clicking on the item will bring up the WSL extension commands. With the WSL extension installed, you will see a new Status bar item at the far left. The WSL extension enables you to run Visual Studio Code within the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

how to run code in visual studio code using powershell

This tutorial walks you through enabling Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and running Visual Studio Code in WSL using the WSL extension.

how to run code in visual studio code using powershell

Configure IntelliSense for cross-compiling.Going forward, work items detailed in the associated Projects GitHub page show what's on tap. "This change has overhauled how we service LSP requests, how the Integrated Console works, how PSReadLine is integrated, how debugging is implemented, how remoting is handled, and a long tail of other features in PowerShell Editor Services," Smith said.Ī complete list of changes is available in the update's changelog. Those asymmetry issues were addressed by a new dedicated pipeline thread that borrows from the JavaScript event loop so code runs synchronously on the correct thread, preventing many race conditions with more reliable and bug-free code. "This lead to overhead, threading issues and a complex implementation intended to work around the asymmetry between PowerShell as a synchronous, single-threaded runtime and a language server as an asynchronous, multi-threaded service." "Previously the Integrated Console, the shell that is provided by the PowerShell extension, was run by setting threadpool tasks on a shared main runspace, and where LSP, Language Server Protocol, servicing was done with PowerShell idle events," Smith said. To fulfill goals such as improved reliability/stability, testing, feature parity with previous editions and more, the team focused on the tool's threading model.

How to run code in visual studio code using powershell